WeineWolf – the product of a passion for nature  

Making wine from what Mother Nature provides” – that is the philosophy that persuaded Wolfgang Ladurner to become a vintner. What was originally a dream developed over the years into a project and was finally fulfilled in the form of a winery of his own.
As a boy, he spent many days in the vineyards and became familiar with the rhythm of the vines. In 1990 Wolfgang Ladurner founded W.Ladurner GmbH, a company that specialized in importing and selling recycling plants. But at the back of his mind he was always dreaming of making his own wine. In 2002 he moved a step closer to his goal by buying a first plot of land,
which he started to cultivate in 2004. 

How he was going to do it was clear from the start: His vineyard was to be terraced and laid out for dense planting to obtain optimum results from the site. Step by step, he hunted out other sites in Caldaro that had the location, climate and soil to offer ideal conditions for wine-growing. With the foundation of the WeineWolf company in 2013,
Wolfgang Ladurner’s childhood dream of making wine out of a passion for nature finally came true. His next goal is to build his own cellar, a project that will bring the Ladurner family and lovers of wines from WeineWolf still closer together.

The actors

NATURE AND HUMAN BEINGS – two elements that must be in harmony in order to produce quality wines. “Good wine is made in the vineyard: The vines must be treated with care and respect.” That is the basic tenet observed by Wolfgang Ladurner and his employees. The young and motivated team works with passion and a commitment to help nature do its best. 

Wolfgang’s daughters Hanna and Doris have inherited their father’s love of wine and are helping to ensure that the family business continues to flourish and make further progress. Doris has the same passion for nature as Wolfgang: She helps him with the work in the vineyards and is herself at one with the natural cycle of the vines. Hanna, on the other hand, attended a hotel and catering college and now devotes her energies to the creation of new South Tyrolean specialities as ideal future companions to wines from WeineWolf.